amazed, as always!
what fabulous instrumentation! full sound!
Dawn of no sun- beautiful melody and movement-perfect percussion-just enough! love the french horn and clarinet!
Stars through southern lights-love the underlying piano. i would have expected a lighter sound...more with strings and flutes and bells, but that just may be my liking. the string melody is quite nice. you were very successful creating "waves" of sound that paint the picture of waves of light.
The Iceberg-this was my favorite part of the piece!!!! love the timpani on this! what a beautiful concept to paint with music! i still may have wanted a little more with percussion-to really emphasize the crashing of the huge sheets of ice just cascading down and "exploding"....
First Sunrise- still felt like i needed more "high" sounds...flutes, oboes, bells, the "twinkling" of the sun rays peering thru the clouds....but again, i play flute, i may be biased :P
overall opinion- was a well-thought out piece of art. beautiful concept, well executed! and inspiring! well deserved 5/5 and 10/10! please, continue to make such lovely music!!!!